
More and more during this journey connecting with others and sharing what I love a known principles keeps proving itself to be trill. You gotta align yourself with supportive, driven professionals that believe in you with a passion. I am really embracing and realizing this more daily,no minute by minute! It energizes you to have that off day and to have a crew the sparks you in the most effective way.

Don’t get this mistaken with finding “Yes Men”, your team won’t always agree or do things how you want them to. Everyone is different and have different approaches to finishing the task at hand. Don’t manage them to the point of crippling them. Give them the room and trust to be successful. Its funny I find myself saying this now as I prepare to the uphill climb with my team. We are in it for the right reasons, which unfortunately I can’t say has been the focus of some of my previous collaborations. That only makes me more aware and respectful of the principal mentioned above.

Tag along, check out the team, the podcasts, the website, the music, The Real Experience.

6 in the Morning

Had a moment to take a look at poet Rives as he made numerous seemingly random occurrences of the reference to 4 a.m. appear to be connected in some sort of conspiracy theory. Although it had quite a bit of comedy tangled in the message I had to consider the situation after he makes his point using a clip from the Simpsons. Lol I kid, I kid! However I did have to ponder on the numerous references to 6 a.m. that are made in Rap and R&B. I mean kicking chicks out at 6 a.m. (Jay-Z), police raids at 6 a.m.(Ice T), just getting home at 6 a.m. (oh that’s me QUEAZY) it goes on and on with this particular time reference. If you can think of any other references to this time stamp in any other genre point it out in the comments and let’s watch the conspiracy theory begin!

You can check Rives and his 4 a.m. instances here: