6 in the Morning

Had a moment to take a look at poet Rives as he made numerous seemingly random occurrences of the reference to 4 a.m. appear to be connected in some sort of conspiracy theory. Although it had quite a bit of comedy tangled in the message I had to consider the situation after he makes his point using a clip from the Simpsons. Lol I kid, I kid! However I did have to ponder on the numerous references to 6 a.m. that are made in Rap and R&B. I mean kicking chicks out at 6 a.m. (Jay-Z), police raids at 6 a.m.(Ice T), just getting home at 6 a.m. (oh that’s me QUEAZY) it goes on and on with this particular time reference. If you can think of any other references to this time stamp in any other genre point it out in the comments and let’s watch the conspiracy theory begin!

You can check Rives and his 4 a.m. instances here:

Autotune (187?)

I guess its offi-c-i-a-l everybody ready to murc’ autotune huh. Roger Riley & Teddy Troutman got Death of Autotune (comical), Jay-Z rocks D.O.A.(Death of Autotune) and I peeped Wyclef’s post “Mr. Autotune” (comical). Check them out and let me know what you feeling on the trending use of the vocal apparatus. What’s your take on the lastest trend in pop/rap culture?

Listen to QUEAZY on the bi-weekly podcast Tha After Party on www.tharedcarpet.com or email me at queazy@tharedcarpet.com for more information.